Enlistment Now Open

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Post Reply
Posts: 986
Joined: 03 Mar 2010 22:37

Enlistment Now Open

Post by Postmaster » 07 Nov 2023 22:29

Originally posted by Duncanwoods

Code: Select all

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|  .--------'   /   |                                                    |
| (       .----'    |     To the Brave and the Bold,                     |
|  \ <`.  \         |                                                    |
|   \ \ `. \        |     We, the Blue Dragonarmy, the bane of Knights   |
|    \ \  `.`.      |     and scourge of the weak, extend a summons to   |
|     \ \   `.`.    |     those daring enough to wield the darkness in   |
|      \ \    `.`.  |     the name of the mightiest power: The Dark      |
|       \ \     `.`.|     Queen Takhisis.                                |
|        \ \      `.`.                                                   |
|         \ \     ,^-'    The air itself quivers with the potency of     |
|          \ \    |       our cause as our officers mount draconic       |
|           `.`.  |       steeds, cleaving the skies to smite foes       |
|              .`.|       upon the warplains. Do you desire to bask in   |
|               `._>      the abyssal might, to revel in the power       |
|                         that courses through the chosen warriors of    |
|                         darkness? The path of the Blue Wing beckons.   |
|                                                                        |
| Your oath to us is not mere words; it is a binding covenant, a         |
| pledge of unswerving fealty. The Blue Dragonarmy has no place for      |
| the faint of heart or the treacherous. Yet for the valiant, for the    |
| steadfast, awaits a fraternity forged in the crucible of war and       |
| victory?a brotherhood bound by shared might and triumph.               |
|                                                                        |
| Adventure-seekers yearning to don the mantle of a soldier in our       |
| esteemed legion will find a place within our Trainee Program. Even     |
| those without formal qualifications may join our camps as a recruit    |
| and are assured:                                                       |
|                                                                        |
|     - Rigorous and comprehensive support in physical                   |
|       training.                                                        |
|     - Assistance in undertaking and accomplishing tasks                |
|       of diverse natures.                                              |
|                                                                        |
|                                                                        |
| However, we mandate the following:                                     |
|                                                                        |
|     - Unreserved submission to the will of the Dark                    |
|       Queen.                                                           |
|     - Recognition of the perils that come with fighting                |
|       on the warplains. Though we shall not send the                   |
|       unprepared into battle, know that the life of a                  |
|       warrior is inherently fraught with risk.                         |
|                                                                        |
|                                                                        |
| Our might in the War of Krynn secures us abundant spoils, and we       |
| revel in victory's glow. Contact us and join one of our grand          |
| feasts: celebrate with us and carry away as much meat and              |
| Dragonbrew as you can carry.                                           |
|                                                                        |
| Let your resolve be as steel, and your spirit fierce as the dragon's   |
| breath. Come join the brotherhood and sisterhood of arms to defeat     |
| the vile wretches who seek to sow disorder.                            |
|                                                                        |
|                                                                        |
|                                                                        |
| In the Shadow of the Dark Queen,                                       |
|                                                                        |
| Duncanwoods Ares, High Officer of the Blue Dragonarmy                  |
| Qwer, High Officer of the Blue Dragonarmy                              |
| Brootl Villon, High Officer of the Blue Dragonarmy                     |
| Harlot Vesci, General of the Blue Dragonarmy                           |
|                                                                        |
|                                                                        |
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