Repeated Commands

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Joined: 03 Mar 2010 22:37

Repeated Commands

Post by Postmaster » 23 May 2018 08:05

Originally posted by Aitsuki

Code: Select all

Can there be some sort of a, repeated commands... command? For example, so many
people would spam on 'w' button just so they can go west like crazy, or go spam
'e' button when going to Bree... but other than that, when drinking from
somewhere for example, 'drink from well' spam it, maybe break a keyboard key or
two or maybe even lag so bad it crashes... especially when the horses drink. Or
when you feed steeds over and over again it just creates such a spam.

The ones who would actually benefit from this are the android users, because
the android I use sometimes doesn't let me just press 'enter' again and
again... I have to click on the box again before I could 'enter' and, there are
just so many tedious things when you have to click 'enter' over and over again.

I would like to suggest a more widespread or general use of the <train skill
10> or the ones where you can just, train the amount of skill at that specific
number. If for example we can do <east *15> then it would repeat the command 15
times... or when you <feed horse with apple *50> then it would repeat 50. Sure
there are some holes to my suggestion but... maybe there's a way to make it
work. :)

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