Going too far...

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Posts: 237
Joined: 30 Aug 2017 19:55

Going too far...

Post by Greneth » 06 Jun 2022 20:22

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In an addition to the letter Lilith wrote I was encouraged to share some of the
things I have gone through in an attempt to reach out to the community so
people understand that this isn't just "So and so said I'm ugly".

For 20+ years since I was in middle school I've been apart of this community.
I've done dumb things, I've made enemies unfortunately, great friends, family
and I've grown as a person with this game. I'm not perfect and some people
these days would say I've earned everything that gets thrown at me. I disagree
and I'm not going to get into details of the name calling, the rumors and
constant bashing I've received for telling people to follow the rules to the
point of where I've got people warlock scry spamming my characters every time I
logged in till I finally got rid of them. Which maybe was for the best, it made
me a full time wizard.

What I will speak in detail on is the most recent which is what has basically
caused me to be unsure if I even want to be apart of this community anymore. A
while back someone decided they would contact my place of work and tell them I
am a LGBTQ hater and a open racist. And how dare they employ such a person.
I've never said any hate towards anyone because of their orientation and myself
and my family are of a mixed ethnicity. Not that I should have to share this to
prove a point but its baffling to think that someone can have so much hatred in
them over a game to try and ruin my life with lies.

I've never directly stated where I worked but with a bit of detective work they
were able to find out. And then I had to embarrassingly explain to the
Government who I work for and my companies Human Resources that I am hated by
these people online enough to harass me in real life through my job. 

Over what? No, you can't call that person <insert insult>. No, I don't care if
you think that <insert rule> is stupid you still have to follow them. Please
use the right channels. Please stop antagonizing <insert person>. Please behave
for the <insert amount of times you've been warned>. Please stop posting
<insert inappropriate content> in front of children. This is what warrants
harassment in and out of game?

I've been there years ago, yelling at wizards when I never thought about the
consequences of my actions. I am far from being a saint preaching about it. But
this community really needs to take a hard look at its actions and the things
it says to Wizards. These people are giving up their time and money to create
content for you to enjoy, to make the game better. 

And I've stated it several times since I began changing the discord. Its fine
to disagree with someone but the moment you start calling them names and making
snide comments its no longer a productive discussion. And if you can't control
yourself then perhaps you don't need to be posting anything anywhere.

I hope Lilith's letter along with this reaches some of you, I'd love to see
this community thrive again.


Posts: 36
Joined: 05 Aug 2019 19:59

Re: Going too far...

Post by Yeren » 07 Jun 2022 00:48

Greneth I am utterly shocked to read this, this is madness.
I hope you steered clear of this obstacle. If you need support I feel the community here will stand behind you.
Will back you up.

We could write a letter to whomitmayconcern, dozens if not hundered voices weight more than one mother**cking liar, after all. And if needed, we can provide real world names and signatures, not some f** anonymous bitching.

Please let us know, if you would need such a support.

Posts: 218
Joined: 01 Jul 2010 10:17

Re: Going too far...

Post by Budwise » 07 Jun 2022 19:10

I'm Mortal, therefore I whine, but this is next level stuff.

Hope the ones behind this gets deleted and sitebanned and even prosecuted if possible.

Also why I don't frequent "social" medias any more.
Toxic, and he or she that shouts the loudest and longest apparently wins.


Emmiline Calaith
Posts: 92
Joined: 03 Jun 2016 02:23

Re: Going too far...

Post by Emmiline Calaith » 08 Jun 2022 03:50

Whoever took it to that level should be ashamed of themselves. It's a game, people. I'm so sorry, Greneth. That's madness, and we support you!
There are three types of people: those who can count, and those who can't.

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