Dead Gentlemen Collaboration

Discuss ideas about promoting Genesis and inviting more players into the Genesis community
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Re: Dead Gentlemen Collaboration

Post by Laurel » 04 Aug 2012 13:12

students went home

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Re: Dead Gentlemen Collaboration

Post by Draugor » 04 Aug 2012 13:54

Cherek wrote:Kvator: Batmud has over 100 players online right now if I counted right... I think they have more than that on peak hours. So no, not all muds are dead or dying. I dont know exactly what they did to succeed, but they do have a very appealing website, a custom and pretty visual client, and if I understand correctly they have had or has an advertisement team working on marketing.

The game itself I dont know, my first impression was it sucked in more than one way... but I didnt really give it more than 10 min when I tried it.

I think there are fairly successful polish muds out there too? Our polish players keep mentioning some of them as references of successful muds all the time.:)

LAst time I checked 6 or so months ago Batmud had peaks on up towards 300 players online, wizards exluded. The main reason is that the wizards actually listen to players now and then there from what I've learned when I tried it out.

Not my kinda mud tho


Re: Dead Gentlemen Collaboration

Post by Arcon » 04 Aug 2012 14:07

Draugor wrote:
Cherek wrote:Kvator: Batmud has over 100 players online right now if I counted right... I think they have more than that on peak hours. So no, not all muds are dead or dying. I dont know exactly what they did to succeed, but they do have a very appealing website, a custom and pretty visual client, and if I understand correctly they have had or has an advertisement team working on marketing.

The game itself I dont know, my first impression was it sucked in more than one way... but I didnt really give it more than 10 min when I tried it.

I think there are fairly successful polish muds out there too? Our polish players keep mentioning some of them as references of successful muds all the time.:)

LAst time I checked 6 or so months ago Batmud had peaks on up towards 300 players online, wizards exluded. The main reason is that the wizards actually listen to players now and then there from what I've learned when I tried it out.

Not my kinda mud tho
Wizards listened to the players and made more mortal levels, then they listen some more and made more stat levels and then some more grinding places. All of those things are, in my opinion the reason the game is how it is today.
Most players ask for things that are good for them and not for the game. Wizards should stop thinking of how to please players(90% just want to get bigger easier and faster) and more on how to improve the game.

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Re: Dead Gentlemen Collaboration

Post by Cherek » 04 Aug 2012 15:13

Hehe Draugor, your statement kinda backfired there.:)

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Re: Dead Gentlemen Collaboration

Post by Kvator » 04 Aug 2012 16:06

actually Arkadia got most players and was most successful during the time when wizards were SUPER assholes, so i don't think it must be the point always

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Re: Dead Gentlemen Collaboration

Post by Draugor » 04 Aug 2012 17:26

arcon wrote:
Draugor wrote:
Cherek wrote:Kvator: Batmud has over 100 players online right now if I counted right... I think they have more than that on peak hours. So no, not all muds are dead or dying. I dont know exactly what they did to succeed, but they do have a very appealing website, a custom and pretty visual client, and if I understand correctly they have had or has an advertisement team working on marketing.

The game itself I dont know, my first impression was it sucked in more than one way... but I didnt really give it more than 10 min when I tried it.

I think there are fairly successful polish muds out there too? Our polish players keep mentioning some of them as references of successful muds all the time.:)

LAst time I checked 6 or so months ago Batmud had peaks on up towards 300 players online, wizards exluded. The main reason is that the wizards actually listen to players now and then there from what I've learned when I tried it out.

Not my kinda mud tho
Wizards listened to the players and made more mortal levels, then they listen some more and made more stat levels and then some more grinding places. All of those things are, in my opinion the reason the game is how it is today.
Most players ask for things that are good for them and not for the game. Wizards should stop thinking of how to please players(90% just want to get bigger easier and faster) and more on how to improve the game.

Heard quiet some people (me among them) from the current playerbase saying that the titles suck, listen to mortals since they are the ones playing, or better yet! Make changes up for VOTE on the forum, sucks to be you if you dont use the forums then.

Or simply make growing past a certain size only give race perks, gnomes can get fucked up crazy inventions to help them and such


Re: Dead Gentlemen Collaboration

Post by Creed » 05 Aug 2012 00:39

gorboth wrote: [*]Before you hire someone, you need to know exactly what you want them to do. (we don't know that, actually!)
I think that sums it up quite nicely. We don't know where we are heading, and as such we don't get anywhere.
Genesis is a ship with no rudder or direction, and so we lie dead in the water waiting for a killing blow.

As someone suggested, I guess its really about time to make a meeting to find out what the goal for Genesis is.

Is it to keep on to the last current players, many of which seem to be splendidly happy with it being a bot/grind place where they can be better than others (statwise), or should it focus more on the roleplayers and interaction which it did 10-20 years ago, which also was the main reason for us to stick around?

For me the choice isn't that hard to make.

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Re: Dead Gentlemen Collaboration

Post by Cherek » 05 Aug 2012 02:32

Creed: You're twisting words a bit Creed. Gorboth said he doesnt know exactly what a hired coder should work on. Thats not really the same as what you said.

Having that said, I think your point is valid, I can also sometimes feel we try to please everyone, all types of players, and as with all games, film or books, or anything creative, the risk of being too general in your target group also comes at a risk.

An example in our game is for instance the "battle" between the pvp-likers who want to fight, and the pvp-haters who think the pvp-players ruin the game. We never solved that in a satisfactory way and our history is full problems when these two player types cant find common ground. Powerplayers and roleplayers is another, example, where some think RP is plain silly, and others dont enjoy the game as much when there is little or no RP, or even leave because of lack of it.

I've mentioned it before but I still think we should have some "keywords" that define what Genesis should be. Something for wizards to work on living up to, something everyone knows at all times, and when coming up with an idea, or coding on something you can quickly look at the keywords and decide if your idea is in line with what the game should be about. Also it is something everyone playing the game should know, so new players know what type of game they should expect, and old players know where we are headed and can decide if its a game they want to keep playing.

My keywords for Genesis would be maybe something like "Interaction", "Politics", "Roleplay" and "Competition". These are words that describe what I _personally_ feel the game should be about, and used to be. Today these words have become much less valuable in the game, which I tend to miss. Today I would say keywords perhaps would be "PVE (Player vs Environment)", "Grinding", "Cooperation" and "Community".

Anyway, those are the words I would use to describe the current Genesis and how I would like to see the future of Genesis. What are yours current and future keywords for Genesis?


Re: Dead Gentlemen Collaboration

Post by Arcon » 25 Sep 2012 00:15

What happened to the idea of a promo video with the Dead Gentlemen? Are we for it or against it?

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Re: Dead Gentlemen Collaboration

Post by Rincon » 25 Sep 2012 21:13

Damn, I must be tired... read the above note as 'porno video with the dead gentlemen' ;)

But, yeah. Whasssup with dat?

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