Where are we going?

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Where are we going?

Post by Quantum » 19 Aug 2023 09:53

Greetings everyone,

Over the past few years, sweeping changes have been made to Genesis. Looking at past threads, there have been talks about more sweeping changes like revisiting death penalty, pvp stuns and the overall snails pace progression. And looking back, those things were usually coded by Arman, Carnak or Zizuph, as these things require a very particular set of skills that very few people have. And those wizards are no longer active.

I'm not saying that the current wizards of Genesis can't do this, but I'm wondering if like Arman, they will take on a huge project, and then burn out. I'm actually very worried about loosing more wizards.

There are many things that people would like to improve on, but has Genesis entered a sort of maintainance mode, waiting for someone with a lot of energy to take on the difficult tasks again? Or are they being worked on, but at a more humane speed where you don't burn out?

And what is the admins (Chereks) current list of top 10 projects for the game?

I'm curious, and worried.

Hope you all had a great summer!

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Re: Where are we going?

Post by Ckrik » 21 Aug 2023 03:02

I wouldn't worry too much about things for now. General morale in wiz land is pretty good and we have some very skilled wizards creating very cool things. Arman will rejoin us at some point and others like Jaacar, Petros or Eowul might decide to be active once again. Even really ancient wizards like Mecien, Teth and Mercade all visited us sometime in the last 24 months. People may come back when their life circumstances change -- having young children or being the CTO of a high flying startup are rather big time sinks, but children grow up and startups get sold.

Zizuph was very unique in that he was able to juggle a career at a top tech firm, being an extraordinarily productive Genesis wizard and playing a mortal all simultaneously. I don't know when he found time to sleep. So while global project pace will slow a bit since I'm currently the only one working on them, they're still progressing. Also, we're still very much in the clean up phase of all the global changes that happened in the last 3-4 years. Those things are not something that players see, but it's a necessary task for the long term health of the game.

What we are lacking are wizards currently in their 20s and 30s that will run the game 10-30 years from now. So if anyone is up for the challenge, send Cherek an application. If you're a Ph.D. student studying AI or large language models, Genesis may be an amazing venue for all sorts of experiments.

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