New Arch of Balance and Arch of Domains

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New Arch of Balance and Arch of Domains

Post by Cherek » 02 Nov 2021 03:13

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Greetings Genesisians,

As of today Genesis has a new Arch of Balance and a new Arch of 

Or, well, actually... neither is especially new...

The new-old Arch of Balance is ARMAN.

And the new-old Arch of Domains is ME.

But what about the old AoB, Carnak? Well, as many of you know, 
Carnak has not been around much at all for the last half a year, 
and after talking it over with him a couple of weeks ago, we both 
reached the same conclusion - it was time to move on. Carnak also 
told me that he would retire not only from the admin, but also as 
a wizard, which of course is very sad news for Genesis. Carnak is 
probably one of the most skilled programmers we've had (ever), 
and one of few with the technical skills to tackle really 
advanced stuff. During the years Carnak has been involved in 
lots of projects, both small and big, and it would simply be 
impossible to list all the things he has been involved in. 

Apart from projects he has been directly involved in, he would 
always take time to assist all us normal wizards with our various 
coding problems. Seemingly unsolvable bug or compiler error? Just 
ask Carnak and 5 minutes later (or less), the problem is solved. 
I'll miss that :) Be well Carnak, hope you return one day!

Now... some of you are probably wondering what will happen with
the big global balance project Carnak started. Well, that is 
something we've been discussing for a while now, and this is 
what will happen:

Luckily, we have another very skilled programmer in our ranks
now, namely Zizuph. You've probaby seen him post things on the
boards lately, for example he has been helping Ckrik with various
monk / unarmed changes, he did the heavy lifting for the housing
project, and he also created the new stat-change service in 
Palanthas. So, Zizuph has joined the AoB team and will work closely
with Arman in order to tackle needed balance tweaks and updates.

Does this mean there will be tons of big balance changes soon?
That remains to be seen. First, we need to assess where things
stand now, what needs to be tweaked, and in which order. It may
simply be minor tweaks, or it'll be something bigger. I can't be
more specific than that right now, but we will of course be sure
to inform you when we know more.

The admin now consists of:

Keeper:             Cherek
Arch of Domains:    Cherek
Arch of Balance:    Arman
Arch of Players:    Mirandus
Arch of Gamedriver: Cotillion
Arch of Mudlib:     Cotillion
Arch of Events:     Gorboth

If you want to know more about what the admin, and the different 
arches, actually do, feel free to check out <help admin>. You can 
also visit our website to learn more about wizard life and how the 
game is run, as well as see a list of all currently active wizards.

If you want to join our ranks and help develop Genesis, please see
<help wizapp>.

Cherek, Keeper of Genesis

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